
Xcards® is seeking original writings for our unique greeting card line for ex-relationships. We want to address social issues dealing with divorce, co-parenting or couples who are no longer together. Cards should express sentiments about life after divorce, separation, breakup, and  co-parenting. Targeted audiences are EX husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, mother or father in-law, etc.

Please submit following themes such as: Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Birthday, Thinking of you, Thoughts & Sentiments, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Graduation (for a step child).

Please provide a suggested image of how cover of card should look with title for cover as well.

Xcards® are designed to meet the individual’s personal needs for their particular situation. In respect to this philosophy, when submitting greeting card topic's related to children or in-laws; please provide two versions of greeting card. One version that relates to a single child and another version that relates to children. Submissions must be submitted in both versions (both versions will have the same image on the card). If relating to in-laws there should be one version for a daughter-in-law and another version for a son-in-law (see greeting card shop for examples). Some writings do not have to appear in two versions because contents may not be themed appropriate. Payments will be paid for one version only. Xcards® reserves the right to alter writings to fit company’s image if deemed necessary.

Payments will be as follows: $25.00 - $75.00 per card and on acceptance Xcards® buys all rights of front cover text, suggested image and inside text. Please do not submit more than 5 cards within an 8 week period, unless contacted with a request. If your card/cards are chosen we will contact you within 8-12 weeks. Unfortunately, we cannot give updates on the status of any particular submission. All work should be original and author should keep copy of his/her work.

How to submit: Submissions must be submitted in Word or PDF format via [email protected]. Submissions must include cover text, inside text and suggested cover image. Include Name, residing state, and email address.

“Not accepting submissions at this time”.

Check website periodically for when we will be accepting submissions again.

Thank you for your interest in writing for Xcards®.

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